Misty’s Journey

Hi, Ny name is Angie

I came onto this site because I wanted to connect with people who are going thru or have gone thru a similar situation.

Misty is a 11 year old mid sized mixed terrier. She’s always been the daughter we never had as my 3 sons would tease. Her nickname is Princess. She’s always been  sweet, smart, well behaved dog. Which was one reason I was so mad when she was diagnosed with bone cancer. She doesn’t deserve this , what a cruel fate.

The other thing was I am so angry with cancer because I fought and beat it twice. Now it wants to take away my dog.

I stayed in that mind frame for a couple weeks.

She is not a candidate for conventional treatment because of age and the advanced state of the cancer. So with a heavy heart we decided to put her to sleep. She’s in pain and there’s no hope.

In my mind we were gonna do it the following Mon. But, That didn’t happen. Then it was Thursday and so on.

The problem was despite the pain she was happy and still plugged into life. Still enjoying it.

Well what I did was start talking to people who have had experience with amputee surgery, dog cancer, and such. Also researched into holistic treatment. Talked to my vet and took her to an orthopedic specialist.

I finally decided despite her age and health diagnosis she is not ready to give up yet. I started her on Tumeric paste and noticed a difference right off which gave me hope.  We decided to take the plunge for the surgery followed by holistic treatment along with whatever conventional meds are needed.

She was givin 3 months or maybe longer up to a year they said. Both vets advised to amputate for pain relief.

So I’m going to make her last 3 months or up to a year as comfortable and happy as possible for as long as she remains willing. When it’s her time she will let me know and/or slip away peacefully on her own. The latter being my hope.

Monday is surgery day. I’m looking forward to the cause of her pain to be gone and at the same time nervous about the procedure and recovery.

I am trying to learn as much as I can but realize no matter how much I try to get prepared I will have a lot to still learn.

I’m just so thankful for the Internet and all those willing to help and support. I consider it a privilege to start a blog and tell our story   Misty’s and mine.

I will be praying hard for her on Monday !!

Author: mistymay

I am a pharmacy tech. My human kids have left the nest but I have 4 furry kids - 2 dogs and 2 cats. We live in a rural area in California. I've had animals my whole life. Mostly dogs and cats but also birds and fish.

4 thoughts on “Misty’s Journey”

  1. Angie and Misty Princess, we’re so glad you came here. I know it’s a hard thing to envision, life on three legs, but gosh you are such a petite gal, you will do great, I can tell!

    Good job on doing all the homework Angie. But don’t let everything overwhelm you. Take things one day at a time. You don’t have to decide on cancer treatment right away, first get through recovery and take it from there. We’ll be here for you every step of the way.

    Best wishes to you both on surgery day. Keep us posted!

  2. You have found a great place full of resources and support. It won’t be easy but take comfort in knowing you are letting your special girl live out her life to the fullest. 🙂

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